
Intelligent Addressable Input Module I-9300

Addressable Output Interface

I-9301S is designed to control output activation of fire devices. With a microprocessor, the interface can communicate with fire alarm control panel (FACP), monitor output circuit (check fault), control output. The interface outputs 24V voltage when receiving start command from FACP.

Product Details

Output interface for connecting non-addressable output device into GST intelligent system
Small in size suitable to be inserted into back box
Electronically addressed
EOLR is used for cable monitoring of SC and OC
LPCB approved

Operation Voltage24VDC Loop, 24VDC power supply
Operating CurrentStandby Current: Loop 1mA, Power 1.5mA

Action Current: Loop 4mA, Power as per output current
WiringPolarized 2-core for loop
Polarized 2-core for power supply
Polarized 2-core for output
Operating Environment
Temperature: -20℃ ~+55℃
Relative Humidity: 95%
Dimension50mm x 44mm x 17mm

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